In the current health care market, you know as a consumer that you are getting less for your health care dollars as each year passes. Many primary care doctors are small business owners just like you and have struggled with the same coverage issues for employees that you do. I would like to offer you a membership fee plan for you and your employees. This is called Direct Primary Care (DPC) and it is intended to put health care back in the hands of the people who matter—your doctor and you.
This plan provides you and your employees (and their families, if you also provide that benefit) office-based primary care for a monthly fee. Once I have met a patient, I can then provide ongoing care via office visits, over the phone, via email and text, or even a home visit if that is most appropriate. You and your employees can receive care while never leaving work, allowing them to continue to be a productive part of your team without having to clock out and leave for a doctor’s appointment.
In addition, many generic medications and routine labs can be obtained through my office at wholesale prices. Not only is this less expensive, it also does not require a trip to the pharmacy or lab. For example, if a medication costs my office $2.00, it will also only cost you $2.00. The monthly fee also includes an annual physical exam, with routine labs included.
The benefit to you can be lower monthly premiums because you can then go with higher deductibles to cover ‘big’ things (ER, hospitalization, surgery, specialty care), while allowing me to take care of the ‘little’ stuff. There are no office co-pays and no insurance denials for care in my office. In addition, you can consider GAP insurance to help cover the cost of the higher deductibles that go along with lower premiums. If you are interested in this as a health care option for you and your employees, please call the office and schedule an appointment to discuss your business health care needs. I believe that DPC is a mutually beneficial option for your business and your employees.